The History Relevance Campaign (HRC) is an evolving effort. It began informally in late 2012 with a series of conversations about why history – both knowledge about the past and the practice of researching and interpreting the past – was marginalized in our country. Children are not expected to learn it in schools, community leaders rarely look to it to inform today’s decisions, and national leaders select and distort facts to support their positions. Sure, some people visit historic sites and history museums; and many more watch history-based movies. For them, engagement in history seems to be an occasional pleasant pastime, not something especially relevant to their lives. In contrast, those who are active in the practice of history – whether as professionals or amateurs – believe that history is central to their lives, and that it ought to play a greater role in the lives of our communities and nation.
Learn more about the value of history and the History Relevance Campaign.